Tag: trainees
Marriage and other things I’m probably doing wrong
I met my wife, Claudie, at the Harvard Medical School vascular research lab. This was not a romantic environment by most standards (depending, I...
Vascular trainees better prepared for open aortic practice than commonly reported,...
Current graduates from both vascular surgery residency and fellowship programs are well prepared for surgical practice in aortic disease whether they are performing open...
Vascular Specialist–December 2024
In this issue:
Positive one-year data for new venous valve portends promising future in chronic venous insufficiency treatment
Vascular trainees better prepared for open...
Corner Stitch: How to make the most of your research year(s)—personal...
I’m sure research residents everywhere have heard their fair share of unsolicited advice on this topic. But among all the voices advising me on...
Invisible ties: The unique journey that landed one medical student on...
In the latest Corner Stitch column, medical student Bailey Richardson recounts the deeply personal life events that led to her unique journey into vascular...
Our patients need more Spanish-speaking vascular surgeons: An argument for medical...
Since there are more than 40 million Spanish speakers in the United States, training more bilingual physicians could potentially improve equitable care in Latino...
The good, the bad and the bloody: Reflections on the road...
As my third year of residency comes to a close, that little thing called The Match feels like a distant fever dream. The...
Pick up VESAP6
Those looking for a comprehensive review resource for vascular surgery are encouraged to check out the Society for Vascular Surgery’s (SVS) sixth edition of...
VAM 2024: Paper exploring stroke rates in arch TEVAR emerges as...
The 2024 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) in Chicago showcased emerging talent in vascular surgery through a moderated Poster Competition held over two days of...
Vascular surgery trainees face the future armed similarly with both open...
The BEST-CLI trial underscores the importance of ensuring trainee competence in open peripheral revascularization as well as endovascular treatment. Indeed, the trial results have...
‘The forgotten stepchild of vascular surgery’: The quest to push forward...
The 2024 Venous Symposium (May 8–11) in New York City was highlighted by keynote speaker Peter Pappas, MD, regional medical director and program director...
Rethinking failure as a vascular trainee
This month, I wanted to touch on that ubiquitous topic of failure. This often takes the form of not passing tests, or not matching,...
Springtime in the world of vascular training
In places across the country, it's spring. March Madness is ending, flowers are sprouting, gardens are being planted, and trees are budding. In the...
Grit: The value of growth mindset and persistence as a vascular...
One of the biggest mental shifts I had to make during residency was my view on failure. I literally had to rebrand failure. As...
Vascular surgery resident reflects on Match Day experience
Integrated vascular surgery resident Eric Smith, MD, tells Vascular Specialist how he handled the lead up to Match Day.
For medical students hoping to specialize...
VESS 2024: Determining success in vascular surgery across the generations
Outgoing Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Society (VESS) President Mark Conrad, MD, used the 2024 VESS presidential address to illustrate how he got into vascular...
More than half of medical students altered Match ranking order after...
Amid the build-up to residency Match Day 2024, the Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery (APDVS) has delivered data from a VISIT (Vascular...
Mentor Match available for all SVS members
The SVS has expanded its Mentor Match program, which is now available to all SVS members in good standing. The program aims to connect...
Beyond ‘do better’: New year reflections from a vascular surgery trainee
The new year is a time for reflection. It is also an opportunity to rededicate, or if needed, reinvent ourselves. Vascular surgery training is...
VAM travel scholarships open doors for underrepresented medical students
The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Resident and Student Outreach Committee (RSOC) is accepting applications through Jan. 8, 2024, for the Diversity Medical Student...
Corner Stitch: On the vascular trainee opportunities on the conference calendar
Christopher Audu, MD, surveys the 2024 meeting landscape, highlighting prime opportunities for trainees to showcase their research.
It is abstract submission, and this month I...
Yao family and SVS Foundation establish James S.T. Yao Resident Research...
In a tribute to the late James S.T. Yao, MD, PhD, a luminary in the field of vascular surgery, the Yao family and the...
On gratefulness as a vascular surgery trainee
I enjoy listening to podcasts. In addition to my usual rotation through Audible Bleeding and Behind the Knife, I’ve found insight in listening to...
SAVS makes travel scholarship applications call for 2024 meeting
The Southern Association for Vascular Surgery (SAVS) has put out a call for applications from medical students and general surgery residents for 20 travel...
The price of a cup of coffee
In the wake of the coverage of inappropriate vascular interventions in the mainstream press, guest editorialist Adam Tanious, MD, tackles the thorny issue of...
UCLA-SVS review course is this month
Time is running out to plan attendance at the annual course, A Comprehensive Review and Update of What’s New in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery,...
Corner Stitch: Supplementing our formal learning as vascular trainees
As a vascular surgery trainee, there are multiple aspects of vascular surgery that I’ve had the opportunity to learn about. And to be honest,...
VQI Fellows in Training program marks one year
The Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI) Fellows in Training (FIT) program is a success, said leaders as they provided a one-year review.
FIT introduces residents and...
Second edition of VSITE review text released
The second edition of a hit trainee-created textbook primarily aimed at those taking the Vascular Surgery In-Training Exam (VSITE) has hit the shelves.
The Vascular...
Changing gears: A guide to cruising back to the operating room
For surgeons-in-training, professional development time (colloquially known as “the research years”) is a welcome break from the rigors of surgical residency. A time to...
Trainees and students anticipate VAM experience
VAM brings together not only vascular surgeons but also residents, fellows and medical students keen to glean as much vascular education as possible. VS@VAM...
VQI@VAM: Social media helps promote safe technique, study finds
A social media campaign promoting educational videos proved efficient and cost-effective, and similar campaigns will be useful for quality improvement projects directed toward medical...
Vascular surgery moves to assess trainees’ competence with EPAs
For surgeons, “EPA” means not the “Environmental Protection Agency” but “Entrustable Professional Activity”—and they’re going to change surgery training. A pilot rollout for vascular...
Vascular Specialist–June 2023 VAM special
In this VAM 2023 preview issue:
The Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) beckons: "Our annual gathering is almost here. After months of planning, our premiere...
Navigating the red tape: A case for hybrid ORs in the...
The United States military has access to the most cutting-edge equipment to perform its duties, so we should expect nothing less for its veterans....
Showcasing a ‘rewarding field’: student-trainee program at VAM deals with full...
Besides being able to attend the scientific and educational sessions at the Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM), medical students and general surgery residents have an...
Intentional mentorship and pushing beyond representation
Chicago medical student Maria Paz, BS, discusses intentional mentorship—and why she believes it matters.
When I started medical school, I never imagined that the most...
Trainees: Cases sought for three VAM sessions
Vascular trainees and medical students are invited to submit their best cases for three sessions at the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Vascular Annual...
Corner Stitch: What I wish I had known in vascular training
Welcome newly matched vascular surgery residents into the fold! I am just over six months into my first attending position after completing my residency...
More than a research project: The vascular trainee’s role in tackling...
One of my earliest clinical experiences with vascular disease was as a high school student shadowing at a busy urban hospital in Detroit. A...
Vascular surgery oral boards text seeks to fill certifying void
Think of it as the omega of the vascular surgical textbook literature, quips Andrew M. Wishy, DO. As a training resource, it fits neatly...
Sudanese vascular association readies for first-ever conference
The Sudanese Association of Vascular Surgeons (SudAVaS) has announced the scientific program behind its first-ever international conference, marking the occasion by celebrating the “first...
NIH funding for vascular surgeon-scientists: ‘We need more funded vascular surgeons...
Presenting at the 2023 Southern Association for Vascular Surgery (SAVS) annual meeting in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, Amin A. Mirzaie—a pre-medical student at Emory...
Back to basics: All the things I love about vascular surgery
Recently, after completing a difficult open aortic operation with my attending, a bright M3 asked me, “Why vascular surgery?” The question didn’t catch me...
Get FIT: Applications for VQI Fellowship in Training program open
The Fellowship in Training (FIT) from the Society for Vascular Surgery’s Vascular Quality Initiative (SVS VQI) introduces residents and fellows in vascular-focused programs to the...
Learning culture, errors and Melinda French Gates
Workplace culture is fascinating to observe because it is nebulous and hard to measure. There is also often a perceived gap between the existing...
Corner Stitch: A reflection on 2022…
This month's column chronicles the exciting year we’ve had here at Corner Stitch. As the section editor, I’ve been most proud of the various...
Vascular trainee-developed VSITE review book sees sales soar
A new review textbook developed by a vascular surgery resident with the aim of helping fellow trainees prepare for milestones like the Vascular Surgery...
Bright future predicted for JVS internship program
This month on Corner Stitch, Christopher Audu, MD, profiles a new and innovative program offered by the Journal of Vascular Surgery (JVS). It’s called...
Deadline extension: SAVS extends travel scholarship application cut-off for 2023 meeting
The Southern Association for Vascular Surgery (SAVS) has announced a deadline extension to Dec. 5 for 20 travel scholarships that are available to medical...
The top 10 most popular Vascular Specialist stories of October 2022
The most-read Vascular Specialist stories in October covered an investigation of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) timing presented at the Eastern Vascular Society (EVS)...
Signal-to-noise ratio: Thoughts on fine-tuning feedback during vascular surgery training
I recently took the Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation (RPVI) exam. While studying for it, one of the concepts that stood out was the...
Corner Stitch: A letter to new vascular interns
Every intern starting vascular surgery this year is incredibly talented, and soon to be a member of a tight-knit, supportive, and fiercely passionate group...
Cognitive dissonance, unhappy physicians and burnout
Emotional intelligence has been widely accepted as an important element of leadership. The seminal work of Daniel Goldman informs us that the education of...
Vascular surgery review book seeks to plug hole in VSITE preparation...
When University of Massachusetts Medical School integrated vascular surgery resident Thomas Creeden, DO, was preparing for his first Vascular Surgery In-Training Exam (VSITE), it...
Bolstering the workforce: Session details how to start a vascular training...
The workforce shortage issues set to plague vascular surgery over the next few decades, alongside an aging population and increase in vascular disease, formed...
Vascular Surgery Interest Groups propel students’ awareness and engagement in the...
A study of the impact of Vascular Surgery Interest Groups (VSIGs) can have on piquing awareness and engagement of medical students in the specialty...
Getting the most out of meetings like VAM
It’s Friday at Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) 2022 in Boston! Hopefully, many of us trainees are getting to mingle and meet leaders in the...
SVS special membership sections stage education sessions
For the first time, all those who are part of the five Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) membership sections have educational presentations geared specifically...
The top 10 most popular Vascular Specialist stories in April 2022
The digital version of the April 2022 issue of Vascular Specialist, the most recent editorial by our medical editor focusing on diversity within the...
SVS members receive deep discount on key textbooks
Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) members receive many important discounts as a privilege of belonging. These perks include discounts to important references in diagnosing...
From proposal to podium: Tips for getting your abstract accepted at...
Striving for excellence in research is one of the defining characteristics of an academic surgeon. But simply doing great research is not enough. The...
The top 10 most popular Vascular Specialist stories in March
Among the posts catching Vascular Specialist readers' eyes last month were the digital flipbook version of our March print edition, a new study looking...
Supply & demand: [Private] practice matters
Vascular surgeons in private practice could play a crucial role in alleviating one of the existential problems currently vexing the specialty: The training of...
Our past is prologue: We are losing the battle to train...
My mother was a child of the 1960s. Despite not having a college degree, she was determined to teach my sister and me that...
Interview: SCVS leaders discuss training challenges, position of private practice, diversifying...
Barriers thrown up between the worlds of private or community vascular surgery and academic practice need to be dismantled for the betterment of the...
Moments suspended in time: Joining the vascular fold
Noon on March 19, 2021, marked the end of an unprecedented year in the world of resident recruiting. Months of virtual interviews, “away” rotations...
The pandemic has been a challenge, but perhaps it imposed some...
Years from now when we look back, will we measure time in terms of B.C. and A.C.—Before Covid and After Covid? It’s hard to...
Lesson learned: Entering vascular residency during first wave of pandemic
An insight into the benefits of virtual learning from the perspective of a medical student on the cusp of residency as the early stages...
Vascular Specialist–March 2022
In this issue:
Dedicated vs. non-dedicated: Researchers place venous stenting under the spotlight at the American Venous Forum (AVF) 2022 annual meeting (p. 1 and...
Time’s nearly up: Apply for VAM travel scholarships by March 9
Time is quickly running out for medical students and general surgery residents to apply for Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) travel scholarships to attend...
Diversity efforts while in training: Is it just another box to...
2020 was a herald year. It ushered in a global pandemic and a reckoning with issues of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in our...
Apply for VAM travel scholarships by March 9
Medical students and general surgery residents have until March 9 to apply for Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) travel scholarships that enable attendance at...
Vascular Specialist–February 2022
In this issue:
"Vital signs": Reporting from the Southern Association for Vascular Surgery (SAVS) annual meeting on skyrocketing nursing costs and their contribution to...
WFVS seeks to help shape future of global vascular training through...
The World Federation of Vascular Societies (WFVS) recently entered a new era of governance with the aim of better disseminating science and best practices...
SAVS 2022: ‘Recruiting more women without knowing race/ethnicity of those women...
Failure to stratify gender by race or ethnicity, or vice versa, leads to missed opportunities in the recruitment of underrepresented members from the potential...
Formally introducing Christopher Audu
The team at Vascular Specialist—led by Malachi Sheahan III, MD—is pleased to announce the appointment of University of Michigan resident Christopher Audu, MD, as...
Corner Stitch: From intentions to gratitude in 2022
A time of transition, like the dawn of a New Year, usually commences the mass drive for New Year’s resolutions and intentions. Many of...
New recommendations promote ‘appropriate and effective’ use of social media in...
In response to a rapid augmentation of social media use in medicine over the past five years, the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) has...
VAM travel scholarship applications available this month
Medical students and general surgery residents will be able to apply this month for travel scholarships to attend the 2022 Society for Vascular Surgery...
VESS: A society primed for young vascular surgeons, trainees and medical...
Welcome to December where the calendar is filled with abstract and registration deadlines to various meetings through the summer of 2022. In this month‘s...
VSIGs increase early exposure to vascular surgery in med school
This month, we are focusing on medical student recruitment into vascular surgery. In many medical schools, students do not get any exposure to the...
Journey of a trainee surgeon-scientist: Mentorship, passion and the importance of...
In August, University of Michigan general surgery resident W. James Melvin, MD, picked up the coveted Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Foundation Resident Research...
Six top tips to help navigate interview season
Ahh October… The air is a bit cooler; pumpkin spice is in everything; and leaf colors are more dazzling. It’s interview season! If you’re...
Survey on radiation safety in vascular trainees demonstrates a quarter received...
A collaborative effort is needed to establish and adhere to best practice guidelines for radiation safety and exposure, Jasmine Bhinder, MD, a general surgery...
Corner Stitch: The art of surgery in the present moment
As a young surgeon-in-training, and a millennial, the concept of mindfulness and wellbeing perfuses my day-to-day life. Reminders of the importance of “being present”...
Caring for the veteran, training the surgeon: The role of the...
In May 1945, President Harry Truman appointed Gen. Omar Bradley to lead what is now the United States Department of Veteran Affairs, with Paul...
VAM set to feature special breakfast sessions for medical students
A pair of breakfast sessions aimed at medical students—and potential future vascular surgeons—will form part of the Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) Aug. 19.
Corner Stitch: If you want to go far, go together
The COVID-19 pandemic left many of us missing social interaction and hungry for a change of scenery. As someone who had never been to...
VRIC trainee award winners announced
The SVS Foundation has announced the four recipients for the Vascular Research Initiatives Conference (VRIC) Trainee Award.
The SVS Basic and Translational Research Committee...
‘VSITE predicts Qualifying Exam success’
The Vascular Surgery In-Training Examination (VSITE) is “highly predictive” of a Vascular Qualifying Examination pass for examinees following both the integrated vascular surgery (0+5)...
Just 16% of US centers in VQI offer SVS guideline-compliant open...
There is a stark downward trend in the number of U.S. centers in the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI) that meet the Society for Vascular...
VESS session: ‘Concerted effort’ made to feature science, discussion from widest...
At its very essence, says Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Society (VESS) President Jason T. Lee, MD, vascular surgery is a “social sport.” The specialty...
Corner Stitch: Acing the final training years
In academia, the start of summer brings about new beginnings and a changing of the guard. Chief residents and senior fellows graduate and start...
The top 10 most popular Vascular Specialist stories in May
A pointed letter aimed at electronic health record (EHR) behemoth Epic, an argument in favor of endovascular treatment of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (rAAAs)...
Pearls of wisdom for interns
It’s June and, in less than a month, a swarm of new faces, and freshly minted MDs and DOs will descend upon most academic...
Elevating women in vascular surgery
Over a one-year period, Association of American Medical Colleges data showed that 25% of women in surgery reported experiencing disrespect based on their gender,...
Apply for VAM travel scholarships by May 19
Medical students and general surgery residents have until May 19 to apply for Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) travel scholarships....
The top 10 most popular stories from April
Our April cover story on the links between electronic health records (EHRs) and physician burnout, the continuing problem of manels (or all-male speaking panels)...
A love for writing
Welcome to Corner Stitch, a brand new section by and for trainees. First up is outgoing Vascular Specialist residents and fellows editor Laura Marie...
VAM travel scholarships open up to applicants April 21
Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) travel scholarships for trainees to attend the Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) are set to begin accepting applications on April...
SVS Clinical Research Seed Grant deadline pushed to March 8
The deadline for the SVS Foundation Clinical Research Seed Grant has been extended to Monday, March 8.
The award, which provides researchers with $25,000 to...
Virtual VSB Certifying Exam ‘a huge success’
The virtually administered Vascular Surgery Certifying Exam (CE) has been declared "a huge success" by members of the Vascular Surgery Board (VSB). The VSB...
Dalman to trainees: ‘Vascular surgery is a tremendously rewarding career’
For aspiring vascular trainees, interview season is a time of great stress as well as opportunity. Graduating medical students and residents are preparing the...
Look within yourself during turbulent times
There are many strategies people have for surviving turbulent times. At times like these, I am often asked for advice by younger vascular surgeons,...