Latest News
ROADSTER 3 provides key evidence that ‘goes beyond registry data’ on...
Thirty-day results from the ROADSTER 3 study have demonstrated that transcarotid artery revascularisation (TCAR) is a safe and effective approach in patients who are...
From the Editor
Marriage and other things I’m probably doing wrong
I met my wife, Claudie, at the Harvard Medical School vascular research lab. This was not a romantic environment by most standards (depending, I...
Track your wRVUs, because no one else does it better
If you were in the audience at the 2024 Southern Association for Vascular Surgery (SAVS) annual meeting, you might have been taken aback by...
SVS news
Past SAVC Award recipients reflect on impact
With nomination deadlines now past, Section on Ambulatory Vascular Care (SAVC) award season is upon us, and past recipients of the Society for Vascular...
Legislation targets stability for physicians amid Medicare cuts
Physicians are facing a fifth consecutive year of Medicare payment reductions due to policy adjustments and budget neutrality requirements in the Medicare Physician Fee...
This month, Vascular Specialist launches its newest column, The Outpatient, which seeks to cover issues near and dear to the hearts of vascular surgeons practicing in outpatient settings such as office-based labs (OBLs) and ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). Here,...
VAM news
Vascular surgeon-scientists may submit their research for presentation at the 2025 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) in June through Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025. The submission period opened Nov. 6.
VAM research—both clinical and translational—is considered for presentation in several different forums...