The Vascular Surgery In-Training Examination (VSITE) is “highly predictive” of a Vascular Qualifying Examination pass for examinees following both the integrated vascular surgery (0+5) and vascular fellowship (5+2) training paradigms, Vincent L. Rowe, MD, professor of surgery at the University of Southern California Los Angeles will tell Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) attendees at this year’s iteration in San Diego (Aug. 18–21).
“Program Directors and trainees should strive towards curricula improvements and study methods to maximize performance on this yearly examination,” Rowe and colleagues found.
“Future correlative analysis on predictive value of VSITE scores during earlier years of training may provide needed data to support transition of board certification to the final year of training.”
Although considered a low-stakes formative examination, correlation of the exam to pass/fail performance on the Vascular Surgery Board (VSB) qualifying and certifying exams could provide program directors and trainees stratification of passing probability.
The ability of the VSITE to predict future board certification was evaluated, they report, using all first-time examinees of the VSB exams from 2016 to 2020.
When: Saturday, Aug. 21, 8:44 a.m.–8:56 a.m. Plenary Session 5