SVS announces VAM keynote speaker series

Andres Schanzer

Registration for the 2024 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM 2024) launched on March 20 and promotions teased a new annual VAM fixture: the SVS Keynote Speaker Series. The inaugural address will take place in Chicago on Wednesday, June 19, and will be delivered by Karith Foster.

Foster is a diversity engagement specialist and creator of the INVERSITY methodology. Through her programs, she aims to create a seismic shift in diversity and culture in academic institutions, organizations and corporations across America. As a speaker, humorist, TV and radio personality, author, entrepreneur, wife and mother, Karith asserts her role as a positive force of change with her sense of duty and service.

Each year, the keynote address will have a theme, with the 2024 theme to be announced later this month. The theme of the address will correlate with the main idea for the conference.

“As the premier educational event in vascular surgery, a keynote address feels like something we have been missing,” said VAM 2024 Program Committee chair Andres Schanzer, MD. “I am excited to see this series kickoff in Chicago and to continue growing after my time as Program Committee chair is complete.”

Schanzer will rotate off of the Program Committee after VAM 2024, which will conclude his four-year term.

The inaugural keynote address for VAM will take place at 5 p.m. Central Time and will be immediately followed by the second annual SVS Connect@VAM: Building Community, a family-friendly event. Visit to learn more.


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