Students/residents: Free webinars and virtual program directory available


In early June, the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Resident and Student Outreach Committee held the SVS Pathways to Vascular Surgery Practice 2020: “Planning Your Career in Vascular Surgery Practice” webinars.

This program was developed specifically for general surgery residents and medical students to explore vascular surgery as a career option.

These webinars cover a variety of topics and career phases, including research, leadership, diversity and social media, and are all now available free here.

Additionally, the SVS has compiled information from the residency and fellowship programs that would have attended the 2020 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) Residency Fair for prospective trainees. Although everyone wasn’t able to meet at the onsite meeting this year, the SVS is excited to bring you this virtual directory.

Click here to view the full document and stay tuned for an opportunity to participate in an interactive, virtual discussion forum with some of these programs.


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