Voting on SVS bylaws revisions ends Dec. 18

Voting began Dec. 1

Active and Senior Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) members in good standing have until Dec. 18 to cast their ballots to change the composition of the Society’s Nominating Committee. 

Online voting began Dec. 1 on consideration of three revisions to Article X of the SVS bylaws regarding the committee’s composition. The committee’s size would remain at seven members but would expand the diversity of perspective. 

The questions address: 1) Reducing the number of past presidents on the Nominating Committee from three to two; the most current past president, who serves on the Executive Board, will join the Nominating Committee one year removed from this service.

2) Adding the SVS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee chair, or vice chair if the chair is unavailable, as a voting member of the Nominating Committee, replacing the chair of the Leadership Committee. The Leadership Committee chair was added when the committee’s name was the Leadership and Diversity Committee, but diversity has since moved to the DEI Committee.

3) Adding the chair of the Young Surgeons Section, or the vice chair if the chair is unavailable, as a voting member of the Nominating Committee. The Young Surgeons Section chair has been serving as a non-voting ex-officio member. 

The process for nominating SVS officers for 2022–23 begins in January 2023. The special referendum ensures that any changes enacted will be in time to affect the 2023 nominating process and elections. 

Read the proposed changes at


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