A session at the 2022 VEITHsymposium in New York City (Nov. 15–19) focused on new concepts, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) in vascular surgery, with a panel discussion honing in on the cost-effectiveness and wider “value” of emerging technologies in this space.
“What’s the benchmark for success going to be?” moderator Barry Katzen, MD, of the Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute in Miami questioned.
Katzen made particular reference to the current economic environment in healthcare environments around the world, and was keen to get the experts’ take on how healthcare economics might influence which technologies survive.
Panelist Rachel Clough, PhD, FRCS, of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London, England, noted that, in her opinion, “the key to this is getting the technology out there for patient benefit in as many healthcare systems as possible.”
Clough added: “I think in many systems around the world, it is all about […] cost-effectiveness, about value of the product, and so I think it is about trying to first of all gain regulatory approval and get a decent evidence base, and then get providers to begin to purchase [these technologies].”