The Jan. 11 deadline to submit research abstracts on vascular disease and treatment for the 2023 Vascular Research Initiatives Conference (VRIC) has been extended to Jan. 18 due to a high volume of requests.
With early-bird registration anticipated to open Feb. 1 for VRIC—which focuses on emerging vascular science and is considered the SVS’ annual meeting for basic and translational research—submissions will now be taken through 6 p.m. CST on the new cut-off day.
VRIC will be May 10 in Boston and is held in conjunction and in the same location as the American Heart Association’s “Vascular Discovery: From Genes to Medicine” meeting on May 10–13. Learn more at vascular.org/VRIC23.
Submissions for the 2023 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) closed at 3 p.m. CST on Jan. 11. VAM 2023 will be June 14–17 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside Washington, D.C. Education runs across all four days; exhibits will be open June 15 and 16. The SVS “Great Gatsby Gala,” to benefit the SVS Foundation, will be the evening of June 16. Learn more at vascular.org/VAM.