The Vascular Annual Meeting’s scientific sessions traditionally kick off on the Thursday of VAM—opening day of the scientific sessions—with the William J. von Liebig Forum. In keeping with that scheduling, this year’s von Liebig Forum also will be presented on the opening day of SVS ONLINE: “New Advances and Discoveries in Vascular Surgery.”
The forum, featuring abstracts from each of several content areas, will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., CDT. In addition to the Resident Research Award-winning paper, the topics include: “Explantation of infected abdominal aortic endografts: A 23-year multicenter experience”;
“Resection of an internal carotid artery aneurysm with extreme cranial exposure maneuvers”; “Leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava: A multicenter experience”; “Predictors and sequela of burnout amongst practicing American vascular surgeons: A gender-based analysis, on behalf of the SVS Wellness Task Force”; and “Duplex ultrasound velocity criteria to determine carotid artery stenosis need to be revised: Results from CREST.”
SVS president Kim Hodgson, MD, will moderate the forum, while SVS Program Committee Chair Matthew Eagleton, MD, will be digital moderator. Ellen Dillavou, MD, and Mark Farber, MD, are panelists.