VESAP®2 for Self-Study Review


Vascular surgeons scheduled to take the upcoming recertification exam can benefit from VESAP®2, an online self-assessment program specifically developed by the Society for Vascular Surgery® to meet the self-assessment requirements of the American Board of Surgery’s Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program.

“VESAP®2 has been completely revised since the inaugural version,” said John F. Eidt, MD, who serves as Editor-In-Chief with Kim J. Hodgson, MD. “It is a comprehensive review of the most up-to-date information in vascular care.”

The re-written, second edition VESAP®2 contains 450 new questions. This is twice the number of questions in the first edition. Each question includes detailed discussions and references.

“We have increased the number of questions on vascular medicine, dialysis access, and radiation safety,” said Dr. Eidt. “The diversity of topics and number of images is also much greater.”

VESAP®2 is a valuable study aid for residents and fellows preparing for ABSITE and VSITE examinations. Interventional cardiologists, radiologists, vascular medicine specialists, and allied healthcare professionals focusing on vascular diseases can also use the program to keep abreast of the current practice of vascular surgery and endovascular therapy.

Vascular professionals looking to remain current on the specialty can order VESAP® 2 today.


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