In this issue:
- Special interview: Kim Hodgson, MD, discusses his SVS presidency, his appropriateness-in-care agenda, the new SVS SET app, and his post-presidential priorities (p. 1 and 4)
- Medical editor Malachi Sheahan III makes the case for science and scientists being at the heart of the democratic process as election day looms (p. 2–3)
- Coverage of the scientific sessions at both Midwestern Vascular 2020 and the New England SVS 2020 annual meetings, including talks on paclitaxel DCBs and televascular visits in rural areas (p. 5 and 10–11)
- Arthur E. Palamara, MD, writes on surgical lessons from two particular midair emergencies in our October commentary (p. 14–15)
- The latest on SVS efforts to improve diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), including reports from the dedicated DEI Task Force (p.26)