Summit to discuss aortic arch: The ‘next new frontier’

Sherene Shalhub

This year’s Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) Aortic Summit will focus on the “next new frontier” in vascular surgery—endovascular treatment of the aortic arch.

“We want to push the frontier to treat more patients. The arch is the Achilles’ heel of everything we’re doing,” said co-moderator Sherene Shalhub, MD, associate professor of surgery at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.

The summit, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 20, is presented in collaboration with The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.

“The arch is a niche area with a lot of overlap, as well as many unique concepts,” said Gustavo Oderich, MD, session organizer and co-moderator. “We’ve planned the session to cover the hot topics involved with endovascular arch repair.”

The summit’s first half will cover benchmarked outcomes of both open and endovascular surgical repair, anatomical requirements for endovascular repair in Zone 0, neurological advances, controlled stent-graft deployment in Zone 0, upcoming testing of newly designed filters, and imaging requirements for optimal endovascular arch repair. The second half will cover actual techniques. “Most of the work currently being done—by the most seasoned surgeons and interventional surgeons and radiologists— will be discussed here,” said Oderich. “Traditionally, open surgery has been the gold standard of care for arch repair.”

“But outcomes vary tremendously even in large centers with experienced surgeons,” he added. “Perhaps we bear the cost of higher intervention rates to get lower complication rates.” Additional attendance fees apply.

When: Friday, Aug. 20, 3:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Aortic Summit


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