Ra Medical Systems receives FDA approval for increased enrollment in atherectomy clinical trial


Ra Medical Systems, a medical device company focused on developing the excimer laser system to treat vascular diseases, has announced that enrollment has reached 95 subjects in the pivotal clinical trial to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the DABRA excimer laser system as an atherectomy device for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

The company also announces approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to increase subject enrollment from 100 subjects to 125 subjects.

DABRA has been cleared by the FDA for crossing chronic total occlusions (CTOs) in patients with symptomatic infrainguinal lower-extremity vascular disease and has an intended use for ablating a channel in occlusive peripheral vascular disease.

The open-label pivotal atherectomy clinical trial can enroll subjects with symptoms of PAD (Rutherford Class 2–5) at up to 10 sites. Outcome measures include safety, acute technical success and clinical success. The trial’s primary efficacy endpoint is the mean reduction in percent diameter stenosis in each patient’s primary lesion as measured by angiography immediately following treatment with DABRA and before any adjunctive treatment.

The trial’s safety and clinical success endpoints are major adverse events at 30 days post-procedure and incidence of primary target lesion revascularization at six months.


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