Quality: Global Vascular Guidelines pocket guide coming soon


The Global Vascular Guidelines (GVG), extensively researched and written by an international committee of leading vascular experts, will soon be available as a pocket guide.

The guidelines recommend the use of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Threatened Limb Classification System for clinical staging and propose the Global Anatomic Staging System for defining the extent and complexity of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) along the Target Artery Pathway.

This guide will help physicians in diagnosing, staging and treating patients with critical limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI). It lists key points of the guidelines and algorithms to assist in diagnosis and staging patients. The guide also includes a summary of recommendations and gaps in research.

The digital version is free for SVS members, who will also receive printed copies of the spiral-bound pocket guide. Additional printed copies start at $8.99.

The guidelines were created over a four-year period by representatives of the SVS, the European Society for Vascular Surgery and the World Federation of Vascular Societies. They were published in June 2019.

SVS partners with Guideline Central for the pocket guides. To view all guides and order printed versions, see vsweb.org/PocketGuides.


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