Coming up: VRIC and VAM 2021 submission portals set to open


Abstracts for next year’s Vascular Research Initiatives Conference (VRIC) will be accepted beginning Nov. 3. VRIC 2021 is held the day before and in the same location as the American Heart Association’s “Vascular Discovery” scientific sessions. The meeting date and location will be announced soon.

Abstracts for both VRIC and Vascular Discovery will be accepted through Jan. 19, 2021. Registration for the two meetings will open Jan. 6, 2021.

VRIC focuses on emerging vascular science and is considered the Society for Vascular Surgery’s annual meeting for basic and translational research. The conference includes abstract sessions, a translational panel, posters and the Alexander W. Clowes Distinguished Lecture. For more information, visit

Meanwhile, VRIC 2020, canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has been transformed into VRIC ONLINE, with planning still in progress for a virtual delivery on Nov. 5 and 12. It will feature the oral abstracts accepted for the VRIC 2020 program.

The submission site for VAM is to open in mid-November. Research to shed new light on diabetes, reinterventions after stent placements, cannabis use disorder, and vascular surgery and telemedicine—critically important in this year of COVID-19— have been presented at recent editions of VAM.

Though particular topics differ from year to year, surgeon-scientists offer data and insights they hope vascular surgeons find valuable. The abstract submission site for the 2021 VAM will open in mid-November for the June 2021 meeting.

“This is the chance for SVS members to present their research, on peripheral arterial disease, thoracic outlet syndrome, on complications, on all aspects of care of all vascular diseases,” said Matthew Eagleton, MD, co-chair of the SVS Program Committee, which oversees scientific programming at the meeting.

Co-chair Andres Schanzer, MD, and the entire Program Committee also seek research on issues that impact surgeons themselves, such as wellness, surgery and its effect on posture and surgeon health, practice management, and more.

“We continue to plan full speed ahead for an in-person, high-impact meeting where colleagues can once again connect and learn from each other,” said Schanzer. “We’re hoping it won’t be necessary, but if it is, we will be ready to convert the meeting to an innovative and engaging virtual format.” Abstract guidelines will be posted online in late October. Submissions will close in mid-January 2021. Learn more about VAM at

VAM 2021 to mark 75th anniversary of SVS

The 2021 VAM will be June 2 to 5, 2021, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego and will be a celebration as well as an educational and networking event, as members break out the party hats and noisemakers to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Society. Plan now to join in the festivities.

Educational sessions are to be held daily. Podium-based scientific sessions are to run from June 3 to 5. The Society for Vascular Ultrasound (SVU) is holding its meeting from June 3 to 4 in conjunction with VAM, at the same location.

The joint SVS-SVU Exhibit Hall also will be open June 3 to 4. An integrated housing and registration system is expected to open up in early March.


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