Apply for VAM travel scholarships by March 9

Medical students and general surgery residents can apply for VAM scholarships until March 9

Medical students and general surgery residents have until March 9 to apply for Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) travel scholarships that enable attendance at the 2022 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) in Boston this June. 

The scholarships are the SVS General Surgery Resident/Medical Student VAM Travel Scholarship and the SVS Diversity Medical Student VAM Travel Scholarship. Each provides not only a travel award to underwrite expenses to attend VAM, but also complimentary meeting registration, a mentorship program, mock interview practice session and a dedicated educational and networking program. Diversity scholarship winners also will participate in the Meet the Leaders Luncheon and Leadership Development Program graduation with members of the SVS Leadership Development and Resident and Student Outreach committees and mentors. 

Students who live in the Boston area will not receive the travel award portion of the scholarship. Students and residents may apply to each scholarship program but are eligible to receive only one award per year. Priority will be given to those who have not previously received any type of SVS travel scholarship, are not presenting an abstract/poster at the meeting, and have not already matched into a training program. VAM 2022 will be held June 15–18 in Boston. Scholarship notifications will occur in mid-April. More information is available at and 


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