Clarion call: Application deadlines for research awards coming up


Applications for three Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Foundation awards are coming up early in the new year.

The Resident Research Award (Jan. 13, 2021) is open to surgical and vascular surgery trainees. This prestigious award carries with it the opportunity to present at the Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) in June 2021. The award provides special recognition of original scientific work by trainees that has yet to be published in manuscript form. The winner also receives $5,000.

The Vascular Research Initiatives Conference (VRIC) Trainee Award (January 2021) sees recipients present their research at the annual VRIC, which will be held in May 2021. Top-scoring abstracts are considered; recipients also receive complimentary registration to VRIC and to the American Heart Association’s Vascular Discovery Scientific Sessions as well as $1,000 for conference travel (non-local attendees only).

The Student Research Fellowship award (Feb. 1, 2021) aims to stimulate laboratory and clinical vascular research by undergraduate college students and medical students registered at universities in the United States and Canada.

Learn more and find applications at


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