Why be a vascular surgeon?


This edition of Vascular Specialist is being published early to coincide with the VAM. Since medical students will be attending the meeting I thought this would be a good opportunity to describe an often overlooked reason why, after all my years in practice, I still enjoy being a vascular surgeon. By doing so I hope to encourage these young people to consider a career in vascular surgery.

Some vascular surgeons, with the same goal, have volunteered to mentor these students at the VAM. I suspect most mentors would extoll vascular surgery as unique amongst surgical specialties. They will describe the variety of complex operations as well as advanced endovascular procedures that we perform. Proudly, some mentors will mention that other practitioners turn to us for help when they encounter uncontrollable hemorrhage. They will emphasize that we are the one specialty that covers the gamut of vascular interventions from open surgery and endovascular procedures to medical management. Perhaps some mentors will incorporate my mantra that vascular surgeons “Operate, Dilate, and Medicate.”

However, I suggest that the most satisfying aspect of our profession is not the procedures that we perform but rather the interaction we have with our patients. After all, most of us entered the medical profession to take care of patients, and vascular patients are very special indeed. However, sometimes we established vascular surgeons become too enthralled by technical advances to remember the more humanistic reasons for our being. Also, changes in medical practice and reimbursement have resulted in many being so overworked that we do not have time to enjoy relationships with our patients. Perhaps those who are so burdened should take heed from the stories mentors will relate to inspire these students.

Based on my personal experience I suspect the mentors will say something along the following lines: “Vascular conditions are chronic and are wont to afflict more than one part of the body. Accordingly, we are required to follow most patients for their whole lives (or ours!). Not only do we treat these patients but we also become intimately involved with their families, often treating them as well. Often our ‘treatment’ will not be procedural but rather will involve emotional support of these relatives as they deal with their recuperating or debilitated spouse, sibling, or parent. Those of us who have been in practice for many years will fondly recall patients who have become an integral part of our lives. The patient who undergoes a vascular procedure will return every 6 or 12 months to have their bypass checked or their other carotid assessed.

“We follow asymptomatic small abdominal aneurysms and claudicants. A venous ulcer often recurs and a dialysis patient may require a new intervention. Some patients come to the office so they can be made more secure that their condition has not deteriorated, and the lonely just because we are the only human they interact with on a regular basis. They bring with them their varied life stories and these vignettes become a part of our own fiction. Perhaps we will share with them our own life story. Contrast that to the general surgeon who repairs a hernia and after a few post op visits may never see the patient again.

“Vascular patients may be very young or more commonly very old and come from all walks of life. So the vascular surgeon will learn to calm the crying infant. She will provide careful optimism to allay the fears of a mother who brings in her daughter scarred by a cavernous hemangioma. He or she will reassure the young girl, mortified by embarrassing spider veins, that she will be able to wear a dress to her high school prom. Together with the obstetrician, the vascular surgeon will guide a pregnant woman with a DVT through her entire pregnancy assuring her that both she and her baby will be safe.”

The mentor will re-count how special it was to get a hug from an old lady who he operated on 25 years previously when he was a young surgeon. Or the gratification one gets when a father, after a successful limb revascularization, shows a video of himself walking down the aisle at his daughter’s wedding. Perhaps the mentor will confide her sense of dismay every time a young dialysis patient is admitted for revision of a fistula and the joy she feels when told that her patient has finally received a viable transplant. Year after year the vascular surgeon will follow a patient with early onset, widespread vascular disease whose parents died young from the ravages of familial hyperlipidemia.

He will provide encouragement to help the patient stop smoking and commiserate when a sibling dies from a heart attack. The mentor might relate how she felt when she saved the leg of a soldier injured by a land mine or how she was amazed by the 80-year-old ballroom dancer who danced a few weeks after a below knee amputation.

Mentors will also describe getting to know a patient’s daily routine so they can informatively advise a patient whether it is worth having a procedure to improve quality of life. Or the thrill we get when that patient thanks us for relieving the claudication that prevented gainful employment. We are relieved when a longstanding patient wakes up neurologically intact from an endarterectomy.

However, we are filled with remorse when we inform a family that they have lost their loved one who died from a ruptured aneurysm. Of course, our failures may be devastating but they reinforce our humility when we acknowledge that we have been defeated by a disease that resisted our every effort.

The mentor may also share that “Every Xmas you will collect cards thanking you for saving a life or, out of the blue, receive a carton of fruit from the orchard of a farmer who finally was able to walk amongst her crop. You will pass tissues to the sobbing husband whose wife always accompanied him to his yearly physical, but who recently passed from incurable cancer. You will listen to stories from veterans of past wars. You will see pictures of patients’ children and you will remark how they have grown through the years. A patient will make you look admiringly at their latest puppy or prize-winning pig. You will be given stock advice by a millionaire and you will pay for a taxi for the indigent to get home from your office. You may keep patients waiting while you hear intriguing gossip or wonder just how you can stop the little old lady rambling on about lost loves. You will be charmed by the 98-year-old who makes sure that she has her hair and makeup done prior to coming to see you, and how her face lights up when you pronounce her more beautiful than ever.

“Dear student, the technical aspects of vascular surgery are indeed demanding and exciting. We are invigorated by the knowledge that our expertise saved a life or limb, prevented a stroke or provided the nephrotic with a working fistula. Even the more simple cosmetic procedures give us pleasure. If you still need inspiration to embark on a vascular surgical career I encourage you to read the Presidential address Dr. Bruce J. Brener gave to the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery in March 1996. His eloquent portrayal of the vascular surgical experience is unmatched (Amer J Surg, 1996; 172:97-9). However, it is our daily and often lifelong interaction with our wonderful patients that so intimately reinforces our humanity and makes this profession so uniquely satisfying.”


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