Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Active and Senior members will begin voting May 23 for a new SVS vice president and secretary for 2022–23. Election results will be announced at the SVS Annual Business Meeting on June 18 during the Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) in Boston.
Vice presidential candidates are Matthew Eagleton, MD, and Amy Reed, MD. Candidates for secretary are Kellie Brown, MD, and William Shutze, MD. All four have been active, involved SVS members. (Get to know the candidates, and register for the Town Hall, here.)
The SVS Nominating Committee will first hold a virtual Town Hall at 7 p.m. Monday, May 23, to explain the process by which nominations were gathered and candidates selected. All four candidates also will briefly address Town Hall participants. Members can submit questions for the candidates here. Questions are due by May 19.
Internet voting will begin immediately after the Town Hall ends, closing at 5 p.m. Central Daylight Time Friday, June 3. Only Active and Senior members in good standing may vote. Those whose dues are in arrears will not be able to participate; they will be prompted to pay any invoices and then will immediately be able to vote. The SVS Nominating Committee sought nominations for the two open positions in February and March, and then selected two candidates each.
In 2020, members approved bylaws changes that permitted multiple candidates be selected for member voting, and also instituted online voting, said Michel S. Makaroun, MD, Nominating Committee chair. “We also moved to online voting, which permits all of our members in good standing to be part of the officer selection process, not just those who are in attendance at VAM and the Annual Business Meeting. Our members have fully embraced this change.”
In addition to the vice president and secretary nominees, the following slate of officers will be presented at the Annual Business Meeting: incoming President Michael Dalsing, MD, President-Elect Joseph Mills, MD, Treasurer Keith Calligaro, MD (year three of three), and Immediate Past President Ali AbuRahma, MD.
Voting on proposed bylaws amendments also begins May 23. See the proposed amendments here.