Vascular Surgery News a Click Away


Interested in the latest news about Vascular Surgery?

VascularWeb visitors may now link directly to, and register for an RSS feed for vascular news provided by IMNG Medical News. The bar is located in the lower right-hand corner of the home page, which also includes direct links to the Journal of Vascular Surgery, Vascular Specialist, SVS Pulse, and the newsfeed.

Subscribers to the RSS may read all the vascular news or choose topics specific to their interests including: From the Vascular Community; Aneurysms; Carotid Disease and Stroke; PAD and Claudication; DVT and Pulmonary Embolism; Diabetes and Related Conditions; Venous Diseases; Vascular Surgery Chronicles (History); Mesenteric Disease; Government and Regulations; Devices, Drugs; and Trials, Veith’s Viewpoint and Editorials; Resident News; and Residents’ Views.


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