VAM 2022: More science, discussion, streaming

SVS President Ali AbuRahma speaks during VAM 2021 in San Diego

With abstract selection finished this month and the lineup of many other sessions in place, organizers are excited about the offerings of the 2022 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM). 

VAM 2022 will be held June 15–18 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. Educational programming will be held all four days and exhibits will be open June 16–17. The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Foundation “Cheers to 75 Years” Gala, celebrating the Society’s 75 years of treating patients with vascular disease, will be June 17. Registration and housing are expected to open in early-to mid-March. 

Andres Schanzer, MD, chairs the SVS Program Committee, which oversees overall VAM programming. He offered several innovations for the 2022 meeting, most made in response to participant feedback of previous iterations of VAM. 

VAM 2022 will include two additional podium-based plenary sessions, and eight overall. “This allows us to offer more science in the program and the opportunity to highlight more of our talented investigators,” said Schanzer. 

There will be more discussion. This is a change based on overwhelming feedback from members who find the discussion period following abstract presentations very valuable, said Schanzer. Thus, the discussion period for the three-minute rapid-paced presentations has been extended from three to four minutes. “We hope this will allow for even richer discussion and exchange of ideas,” he added. 

Two sessions will offer innovative formats, including visual abstracts and content shaped by social media as opposed to more standard didactic presentations followed by questions and answers. 

“Members told us that livestreaming in 2021 was really valuable for those who couldn’t attend VAM in person so we have added more,” said Schanzer. “For 2022, we will again offer livestreaming of the morning sessions, which generally are plenaries, and we have added one full afternoon track on each day. We will also be livestreaming all of the international sessions in order to reach those who are unable to travel from abroad.” 

Recording practices are being altered this year; Schanzer said the goal is to have all content available to VAM registrants rapidly. “We are shooting for an aspirational goal of having all video content of all presentations available on Monday, June 20, 48 hours after close of the meeting,” he said. 

SVS members have been celebrating the Society’s creation in 1946 since the 2021 VAM in San Diego. Festivities will culminate in the SVS Foundation Gala on the evening of Friday, June 17. 

“We hoping it’s going to be the biggest and best VAM we’ve ever had,” Schanzer added. 

For more information about VAM, including the meetings and conferences of the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI) and the Society for Vascular Nursing, visit 


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