Tag: Endovascular

BIO-OSCAR SOC trial examines standard of care in PAD treatment

Biotronik today announced that it has concluded the BIO-OSCAR SOC study evaluating the baseline against which to measure the Oscar multifunctional catheter in treating complex...

Microbot Medical announces FDA submission for commercialization of Liberty endovascular robotic...

Microbot Medical recently announced that it has submitted a 510(k) premarket notification to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its Liberty endovascular robotic...

Surmodics announces early results from PROWL registry of Pounce thrombectomy system

Surmodics has announced that early results of a subset of 60 real-world acute, subacute, and chronic limb ischaemia patients from its PROWL registry study...

Cook Medical creates custom-made aortic device for fenestrated FET procedure

Cook Medical this week announced that it has created a custom-made device for the frozen elephant trunk (FET) aortic procedure.  A press release details that,...

Philips announces FDA approval for enhanced LumiGuide guidewire, marks 1000th patient...

Royal Philips today announced the introduction of the 160cm Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved version of its LumiGuide endovascular navigation wire. This enhanced LumiGuide...

Centerline Biomedical receives FDA 510(k) clearance for new IOPS Viewpoint catheter

Centerline Biomedical recently announced that its Intra-Operative Positioning System (IOPS) Viewpoint catheter has received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance. The Viewpoint catheter is...

Endovascular CFA treatment associated with increased rate of long-term CFA-specific reintervention,...

A recent study suggests that endovascular treatment of the common femoral artery (CFA) is associated with an increased rate of long-term CFA-specific reintervention, regardless...

Vascular surgery trainees face the future armed similarly with both open...

The BEST-CLI trial underscores the importance of ensuring trainee competence in open peripheral revascularization as well as endovascular treatment. Indeed, the trial results have...

Endovascular CFA treatment associated with increased rate of long-term CFA-specific reintervention,...

A recent study suggests that endovascular treatment of the common femoral artery (CFA) is associated with an increased rate of long-term CFA-specific reintervention, regardless...

Aspirex achieves 78% two-year primary patency rate in P-MAX postmarket observational...

At the Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC) 2024 (28–31 May, Leipzig, Germany), Michael Lichtenberg (Arnsberg Vascular Clinic, Arnsberg, Germany) shared for the first time a...

Studies highlight need for tailored treatment options for women with peripheral...

New clinical results highlight the need for inclusive approaches and comprehensive examinations of treatment options for peripheral arterial disease (PAD), including endovascular therapy and...

Frank J. Veith joins ViTAA Medical Solutions’ board of directors

ViTAA Medical Solutions has announced the appointment of Frank J Veith, MD, professor of surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of...

Endospan releases early TRIOMPHE IDE study results at Society of Thoracic...

Endospan shared 30-day results from the first 22 patients enrolled in the TRIOMPHE investigational device exemption (IDE) study in a late-breaking presentation at the...

Thrombolex announces new insights from the RESCUE trial with the Bashir...

Thrombolex has announced never-before-reported major reductions in obstruction in all of the segmental pulmonary arteries (PA), based on independent core lab data analysis of...

Nectero Medical receives FDA clearance of IND application to initiate Phase...

Nectero Medical today announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted investigational new drug (IND) clearance for the company to initiate...
top 10

The top 10 most popular Vascular Specialist stories of June 2023

Last month, Vascular Specialist garnered readers' attention with an array of commentary on the BEST-CLI and BASIL-2 trials; the medical editor's interview with vascular...

Base revascularization strategy on effectiveness in restoring adequate and durable limb...

The results of a subanalysis of the BEST-CLI trial found that patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) who were deemed suitable for open lower-extremity...

Global perspectives take center stage in second annual WFVS session at...

“The intellectual exchange of information and a better understanding of unique global perspectives has brought the leading societies closer,” Palma Shaw, MD, MBA, secretary...
top 10

The top 10 most popular Vascular Specialist stories of May 2023

Last month, Vascular Specialist most piqued reader interest with a commentary from the editor-in-chief on why he supports the decision by the Southern Association for Vascular...

Reinterventions after physician-modified endovascular grafts ‘non-detrimental’ to long-term survival

For the treatment of juxtarenal aortic aneurysms, reinterventions after physician-modified endovascular grafts (PMEGs) are non-detrimental to long-term survival. This is one of the main...

Pioneering Duke vascular surgeon Richard McCann dies

Richard McCann, MD, a vascular surgeon who reinvented his skills after the endovascular revolution in the 1990s and implanted the first endograft for an...
decline in open surgery aaa

Claim emerging vascular surgeons ‘less well prepared to rapidly achieve open...

A recent perspective published in the Annals of Surgery—which argued the shift toward endovascular care had led to a deficit in open surgical experience...

Study: 40% of vascular surgeons report suffering chronic work-related pain

A majority of vascular surgeons are in pain after a day of operating—with open and endovascular surgery identified as the types of intervention causing...

Inaugural CX Aortic Vienna to take place online

The inaugural CX Aortic Vienna meeting will be livestreamed Sept. 8–11 to an international, online audience, and will include registrant participation, interaction and polling. The...

NICE aortic guidelines recommend discussion between physician and patient before offering...

The U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has today published guidelines on abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) diagnosis and management. Discussion between...
Thomas Fogarty

Fogarty gives roadmap to future of innovation

HOUSTON—World-renowned innovator and inventor of the balloon catheter Thomas Fogarty, MD, delivered a robust pitch against the singular pursuit of financial gain during the...