#SVSTweetChat hits high levels of engagement

#SVSTweetChats are held on the third Thursday of each month

Since the inaugural #SVSTweetChat that covered early career advice went live on Twitter in April, the monthly social media initiative has proven to be a valuable and interactive resource for the vascular surgeon community. It even inspired an episode of the increasingly popular Audible Bleeding, the vascular surgery podcast and formal entity of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS).

Members of the SVS Social Media Committee continue to update Twitter users on the progress of the chats through their personal accounts as well as the SVS social media channels.

The #SVSTweetChat has been well-received by panelists and participants—more than 360,000 users saw #SVSTweetChat in their timeline or search results during the May tweet chat covering radial access for the vascular surgeon.

Engagement levels have significantly increased since April’s Tweet edition, which earned more than 16,000 impressions. The success of the new social media initiative has inspired more members of the vascular community to get involved and keep the #SVSTweetChat conversation going on social media.

The April chat that inspired an episode of Audible Bleeding was part one of “So you’ve matched into vascular … now what?” Hosts Matt Chia, MD, and Ali Irshad, MD, sat down with Regina Husman, MD, and Kirthi Bellamkonda, MD, to discuss how newly matched vascular residents can set themselves up for success in their residencies.

“We reached out on Twitter and asked the audience to send us questions for this episode … We want to thank Meryl Logan, MD, for inspiring this episode with the #SVSTweetChat,” said Chia.

Thirty-six Twitter users participated in the May tweet chat and more than 150 tweets featured the #SVSTweetChat hashtag. The @VascularSVS Twitter account gained 10 new followers within 24 hours of the chat.

Chats are held on the third Thursday of each month. The next tweet chat will kick off at 8 p.m. Central Daylight Time Thursday, July 15, with a new set of panelists to discuss percutaneous vs. traditional arteriovenous fistula creation.

To participate, log in to Twitter at the time of the chat, search for #SVSTweetChat in the search bar at the upper right and look for the latest thread of tweets. To respond and engage with the chat, include the hashtag, #SVSTweetChat, in each response.


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