The SVS and the American Pediatric Surgical Association (APSA) Pediatric Vascular Surgery Interest Group convened for its quarterly meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1. The focus of this quarter’s meeting was arterial thrombosis in children.
The panel for the meeting was made up of experts in pediatric surgery, pediatric hematology and vascular surgery: Erica L. Mitchell, MD, Med; Gavin Roach, MD, MS; David H. Rothstein, MD, MS; and Reagan Williams, MD. The speakers covered a brief overview of pathophysiology and delivered case-based presentations covering trauma, catheter-induced arterial injury and compressive syndromes.
Meeting attendees had an opportunity to gain an improved understanding of etiologies of provoked and spontaneous arterial thrombosis in pediatric vascular patients; the treatment strategies for thrombosis, including anticoagulation/lytic therapies, and endovascular approaches and open approaches; and post-treatment management, including anticoagulation, imaging and long-term follow-up.
In 2021, the SVS and APSA joined together to create a collaborative, interdisciplinary task force to address gaps in pediatric vascular care.