Planning underway for next VAM

VAM 2022 follows quickly on the heels of VAM 2021, held in August

One of the innovations—livestreaming— introduced at the 2021 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM), is influencing the 2022 schedule.

“The streaming option, particularly for international members, was a big hit,” said Andres Schanzer, MD, chair of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Program Committee, which oversees VAM educational programming.

This year, SVS offered a livestreaming option for those who for whatever reason were not able to attend VAM in person. Seventeen sessions were livestreamed—including all plenary sessions, named lectures, a number of international sessions and the two presidential addresses, by Kim Hodgson, MD, and Ronald L. Dalman, MD.

Because of the popularity of the international sessions, as well as the time zone differences, for 2022, planners have moved the international sessions to early morning. “This lets our international attendees who are livestreaming to watch the sessions geared toward them during the day, and not late at night,” said Schanzer.

The move also allows the Postgraduate Education Committee to schedule additional educational content in the afternoons, in the form of concurrent sessions and those planned with particular audiences in mind.

Schanzer stressed the section sessions will be educational in nature, planned in close collaboration with the section leaders and the committee, and focus on cutting-edge topics relevant to each section. “Of course, we’re still in the planning stages for all sessions,” he said. “But the Postgraduate Education Committee wants to offer content that is timely, relevant and specifically focused to the members of those particular sections.”

VAM will be held June 15 to 18, 2022, in Boston, with educational programming across all four days. Exhibits will be open June 16 to 17, and the SVS Foundation Gala will be the evening of Friday, June 17. Learn more at


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