Online Practice Memos for Young Surgeons Now Available


The SVS Young Surgeons Advisory Committee has developed three practice memos on various topics to assist young vascular surgeons in their first few years of practice, as well as vascular surgery trainees as they prepare to enter practice.

The following practice memos can be accessed on

Marketing Your Practice Series, Part 1: Defining Your Competitive Edge

This is the first in a series of practice memos that are being developed to assist vascular surgeons to effectively market their practices. Defining your competitive edge is especially critical as you begin a practice, move to a new location, or encounter new competition in an established practice.

Vascular Surgery Boards

This practice memo reviews the board certification process for vascular surgery and provides some helpful hints for preparation.

Vascular Lab

The combination of practical experience, knowledge of vascular disease, and knowledge of non-invasive vascular testing makes the vascular surgeon uniquely qualified to interpret vascular laboratory testing. This practice memo describes how vascular surgeons can start a vascular laboratory

“The practice memos are tools for young members, as well as candidate members to review topics that their peers found important upon completion of their training. For example, the Vascular Lab memo offers guidance and resources to assist in starting a lab and its potential benefits to their practice. The Committee strived to create useful, practical, and accessible online documents for this target group,” explained Chris Scibelli, MD, SVS Young Surgeons Advisory Committee Chair.

The Committee is currently developing additional practice memos on “How to Introduce Yourself to a New Community” and “Negotiating Contracts”. These memos are expected to be completed later this year.


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