Lifetime Achievement, Innovation Award On Tap


Three of the Vascular Annual Meeting’s signature events – celebrations along with distinguished lectures – occur on Saturday, VAM’s closing day. All conveniently occur in the morning, shortly before the start of the SVS Annual Business Meeting and luncheon and take place in Potomac A/B.

The John Homans Lecture, 9:30 to 10 a.m.: Jack Cronenwett, MD, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, N.H., will present the lecture, “Why Should I Join the Vascular Quality Initiative?” Dr. Cronenwett spearheaded a regional quality outcomes registry, the eventual model for VQI. He later helped launch the SVS-Patient Safety Organization, which operates VQI and served as medical director until 2016. Dr. Cronenwett will discuss the VQI’s benefits for vascular practitioners and examine the VQI’s research and quality improvement opportunities.

The Roy Greenberg Distinguished Lecture, 10:15 to 10:45 a.m.: Michael Dake, MD, professor at Stanford (Calif.) University, will present “The Vision Beyond the Vision: Same as it Ever Was, but Different.” Dr. Dake is an internationally recognized pioneer of image-guided therapies whose contributions have changed the treatment of both common and complex vascular disease issues. His groundbreaking research with CT angiography, endovascular stents and stent-grafts has forever altered the interventional landscape and his publications have dramatically influenced several fields, including vascular imaging.

Awards Ceremony, 10 to 10:15 a.m.: Who will win two of the SVS’s top honors? Attendees will find out at the Awards Ceremony, during which the Lifetime Achievement Award AND the Medal for Innovation in Vascular Surgery will be presented.

The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes an individual’s outstanding and sustained contributions to the profession and SVS, and his or her exemplary professional practice and leadership. The 2018 recipient was Gregorio Sicard, MD.

The Medal for Innovation is not an annual award; it recognizes individual whose contributions have had a transforming impact on the practice or science of vascular surgery. Past recipients include Juan Parodi, MD (2006); Timothy Chuter, MD (2008); Thomas Fogarty, MD (2010); Roy Greenberg, MD (2012); and, most recently, Edward Diethrich, MD (2013).

The identities of these two recipients are a closely guarded secret until the presentation. Be part of the unveiling and celebration.


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