Gain discount on premier vascular review resources


The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) is encouraging members to pre-purchase the sixth edition of the Vascular Education and Self-Assessment Program (VESAP6), a premier digital resource for those preparing for qualifying, certification and recertification examinations. Presales will end on March 26. The presale period provides a 10% discount on the individual license price. Those who participate in the presale will be entered into a lottery to win a complimentary registration for the 2024 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM 2024) exclusive. This opportunity is open only to SVS members, making membership a valuable investment for those in the field.

VESAP6 is designed to aid professionals in their examination preparation and ongoing education, with more than 600 questions covering more than 10 content areas, and serves as a comprehensive review resource. The product offers up to 102 continuing medical education (CME) credits, with 39.25 eligible for Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation (re)certification credits. Visit


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