Foot vein arterialization study shows 77.8% limb salvage rate


Foot vein arterialization (FVA) is a safe procedure with good early graft patency and a limb salvage rate of 77.8%, Qi Yan, MD, and colleagues found during a retrospective review of patients treated between 2019–2020.

Yan et al, of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, studied the last-resort procedure in chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) patients out of revascularization options, presenting their data at the Texas Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery virtual annual meeting (Nov. 6–7).

In addition to the 77.8% limb salvage rate, they found an average time to healing of 146 days—“which is significantly higher than 50% in medical management.”

They said FVA should be offered to patients who are good open surgery candidates without traditional endovascular or open options for arterial revascularization.


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