APDVS president reflects on training challenges of COVID-19, ‘supply and demand’ conundrum of the future


“There are not enough vascular surgeons to do the work our specialty provides.” Those are the stark words of Jason T. Lee, MD, president of the Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery (APDVS), as he reflects on some of the training challenges that were posed to the vascular profession during the pandemic, and as he ponders key workforce shortage issues of the future, shortly after helping lead a COVID-19 session during the recent 2022 Charing Cross (CX) International Symposium in London (April 26–28).

“It’s up to program directors in each country to match the supply and demand,” Lee, who provided a North American perspective on behalf of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) at CX 2022, tells Vascular Specialist. “The program directors’ association has to respond to provide more quality by creating more quality training programs so that the supply meets the demand of what is out there in this growing population.”


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