A welcome addition


On behalf of the SVS Publications Committee I am delighted to announce the appointment of Malachi Sheahan, III, M.D., as Associate Medical Editor of Vascular Specialist. I am sure readers will realize this official newspaper of the Society for Vascular Surgery has grown substantially over the last few years. With the help of generous advertisers we now “publish” Vascular Specialist not only in print but in multiple formats. These include electronic versions on the Web, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as mobile versions for smartphones and tablets. The print version is now published monthly and most often as 20 pages.

Further, www.vascularspecialistonline.com includes many articles not found in the print edition. Articles can be searched based on subject and author and the print version can be seen in PDF version. The web version also allows readers to answer polls posed in the print edition. These are archived for review.

A recent survey of 250 members of the SVS confirmed that Vascular Specialist is now the most widely read vascular news publication. More importantly, it was considered by far the most authoritative.

Dr. Russell Samson

This expansion requires a significant expenditure of time by the Associate Editors and the Medical Editor in particular. Accordingly, it is essential that the medical editorial staff be supplemented by an Associate Medical Editor. This will also allow the smooth transition when the Medical Editor’s appointment terminates.

Mal has already proven to be an excellent writer, and his commitment to the SVS, resident/fellow training, and his sense of humor make him an outstanding choice to assume this position. Mal completed his vascular surgery training at the Beth Israel Deaconess program in 2003. Shortly thereafter he joined the faculty at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans. He currently serves as the program director for both their integrated and independent vascular training programs. In 2014, he was named the Claude C. Craighead Jr. Professor and Chair of the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery.

Dr. Malachi Sheahan

I have previously requested that all members consider themselves not only readers but also contributors. Once again I encourage you to send Mal and me opinion pieces or letters to the editor. We also welcome Tips and Tricks. These can be quite short and do not require any references. They are meant to highlight a technique that you have found to be helpful in performing an open or endovascular procedure. One or two photos often help the piece but they must be in .jpg format and at least 124kb. If you are so inclined we will also print your photo and affiliation alongside. However, we regret you cannot submit your high school photo or substitute one of Tom Cruise or Beyoncé! Don’t worry that you may not be a Pulitzer Prize journalist since we have professional writers who will tidy up your writing as necessary. We also welcome suggestions about news items that we may have missed or overlooked. These may be news items from the lay press or a manuscript you read in a journal other than the JVS. Again, our professional reporters will turn the item into a news article. You can also send us a comment and, if appropriate, we will print it as a sidebar to the article.

Further, we encourage news about your comings and goings which we can publish in the “From the community” section. Executive members of the various regional Societies can also utilize this section to bring us news about their Societies activities.

In order to keep the commentaries fresh, we do need to rotate the members of the editorial board. So, if you would like to be considered for such a position, please send us a short biography and your area of interest. This could be related to a disease process, treatment, or socioeconomic issues. Associate Editors will be required to read short news items about 12 times a year and to provide commentary when requested. Even if you are not selected we may occasionally turn to you to write a comment on a news item related to your stated interest.

The SVS wants Vascular Specialist to be YOUR newspaper. Please help us achieve that goal as we continue to make Vascular Specialist the most read and respected supplier of news and opinions about vascular surgery and vascular surgeons.

You can contact me at [email protected] and Dr. Sheahan at [email protected].


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