Dr. Gloviczki: Of Ties, VAM and a New Challenge


On Wednesday morning, the Society for Vascular Surgery bumped into SVS Past President Dr. Peter Gloviczki. Here’s what we learned about one of our leaders – who is stepping into a new role with the Society – and his participation at VAM this year.

The first thing to note is that he was wearing the very first SVS tie! “It’s the one I designed,” he said.

Dr. Peter Gloviczki shows off his SVS tie.

©Martin Allred

Dr. Peter Gloviczki shows off his SVS tie.

Dr. Gloviczki is about to start his term, with Dr. Peter Lawrence, as editors-in-chief of the Journal of Vascular Surgery. “We’re very excited,” he said. “We have a new cover and a new format.”

The two are expanding the Journal to include much more public media, Dr. Gloviczki said. They have set up a recording studio (National Harbor 1), and after participants give their presentations at VAM, they can record a five-minute video of his or her presentation, Dr. Gloviczki said. When their articles of original research are published, these interviews will be posted online on JVS, SVS and YouTube websites.

As for what he hopes to take from VAM this year: “I’m looking for ideas, for new topics we can include in the Journal. There are differences between European and U.S. colleagues on how to treat vascular disease. I want to learn about that.”

And how many VAMs has he attended? “Almost all of them,” he allowed.


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