‘Week of Action’ raises awareness of SVS advocacy activities


From sending emails to lawmakers, posting on social media to amplify legislative issues, and donating to the Society for Vascular Surgery Political Action Committee (SVS PAC), SVS members embraced a variety of activities to support the Society’s first-ever Advocacy “Week of Action,” Sept. 26–30. 

“These seemingly simple advocacy activities, when done collaboratively across the SVS membership, help to significantly raise the profile of our issues on Capitol Hill and help to secure legislative victories that will benefit our practices and the patients we serve,” said SVS President Michael C. Dalsing, MD.  

Activities included sending pre-written messages to lawmakers urging action to prevent pending Medicare payment reductions and signing up to become an SVS REACH 535 key contact to strengthen the SVS’ grassroots foundation.

In writing about her own experiences, Megan Tracci, MD, vice-chair of the SVS Advocacy Council said: “Remember that vascular surgeons are not as isolated or powerless as it can sometimes feel—the SVS advocacy effort is stronger than it has ever been. Together we can, and will, make a difference.”

Mark Mattos, MD, co-chair of SVS PAC added the additional sentiment that he participated in all aspects of the “Week of Action.” “I signed up because I want to make a difference for our patients, for my practice, for my partners, and for you my SVS colleagues. I want to make a difference for all of us!”

Learn more about the Society’s advocacy efforts at vascular.org/advocacy.


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