Bentley announces first-in-human implantation of BeFlared bridging stent

Bentley has announced the successful first-in-human implantation of its recently CE-certified BeFlared stent graft system, which the company states is the world’s first dedicated...

Aspirex achieves 78% two-year primary patency rate in P-MAX postmarket observational...

At the Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC) 2024 (28–31 May, Leipzig, Germany), Michael Lichtenberg (Arnsberg Vascular Clinic, Arnsberg, Germany) shared for the first time a...

First US patient enrolled in SOCRATES short neck AAA trial

The first U.S. patient has been treated as part of the SOCRATES trial (Short neck AAA randomized trial—ESAR and FEVAR), which compares the safety...

New data support covered stent use in complex aortoiliac occlusive disease...

One-year outcomes from the BELSTREAM trial add to a growing pool of data that covered stents are safe and effective in the treatment of...

Revascularization strategy for BTK intervention should hinge on diagnostic modality, LINC...

New data provide “another argument” for the use of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in below-the-knee (BTK) interventions. This is according to Michael Lichtenberg, MD, from Arnsberg...

Data show potential of Limflow system to improve outcomes for no-option...

“Deep vein arterialization is safe and technically feasible,” Peter Schneider, MD, a professor in the division vascular and endovascular surgery at the University of...

LINC 2021: Long-term data show sustained efficacy and safety of paclitaxel...

A key theme among the late-breaking trial data presented at the recent LINC 2021 (the Leipzig Interventional Course), held digitally from Jan. 25–29, was the...