Perioperative care in open aortic vascular surgery: join upcoming webinar


A webinar on “Perioperative Care in Open Aortic Vascular Surgery: Recommendations from ERAS and SVS” was held by the SVS Leadership Development Committee on Oct. 15.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is a comprehensive perioperative care pathway that utilizes evidence‐based best practices across specialties to promote early recovery for patients undergoing major surgery. Implementing ERAS protocols has been shown to reduce recovery time, complications and readmissions while improving patient and staff satisfaction.

This webinar reviewed the recommendations for perioperative care in open aortic vascular surgery based on the consensus statement developed by the ERAS Society and the SVS in 2022.

Topics covered during the webinar included why ERAS is needed in vascular surgery; the necessary collaboration of surgery and anesthesia in implementation of successful ERAS pathways; current guidelines; as well as a literature review of ERAS open aortic surgery and guidelines in practice.

Visit for more details on this webinar.


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