Helping history come alive online in Vascular Specialist


Medical history is more than just the praise of great heroes and heroines and the nearly mythical stories of serendipitous discovery and invention. It is the means by which we learn to understand and appreciate the qualities and conditions that lead to innovation and it illuminates the present by honoring the past.

Since its inception in 2005, Vascular Specialist has highlighted some of the most important persons and events in the history of vascular surgery and medicine in our column, Vascular Surgery Chronicles.

Most of these articles are out of print and have not been available online. But that has changed.

As part of our new and improved wesbite, we are now placing these articles on the Vascular Specialist web site, where they can be visited here, and we are renewing our committment to making the Vascular Surgery Chronicles column a more frequent feature of the print edition and also our special online-only newsletters.

Currently available articles on the web site highlight such notable figures as:

Sir Astley Cooper

Valentine Mott

John Hunter

Rudolph Nissen

E. Stanley Crawford

Look for these and other articles and stay tuned for more windows on the vascular past online and in the pages of Vascular Specialist.

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