Tag: SET

Study demonstrates feasibility, effectiveness of at-home exercise therapy plus cognitive behavior...

A mobile phone-administered, home-based exercise therapy program for patients with intermittent claudication (IC) incorporating cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) was found to be feasible, with...

Veterans with claudication who undergo revascularization ‘significantly more likely to have...

Patients within the Veterans Affairs Administration healthcare system who underwent an intervention for intermittent claudication (IC) were consistently at three-to-four times greater risk of...

Research letter highlights low adoption of supervised exercise therapy for PAD

A research letter published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes highlights a “very low” utilization of supervised exercise therapy (SET) in symptomatic peripheral arterial disease (PAD) patients...

SVS: Progress made during year like no other

While the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects dominated 2020–21 fiscal year—including the cancellation of the live 2020 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM)—it did not deter...

Intermittent claudication and exercise therapy: A poor SET-up

Many of you may have already heard about the controversial Comparative Billing Reports (CBRs) that have been received by some of our vascular surgery...

Hodgson: Bringing appropriateness into sharper focus

In 2019, Kim Hodgson, MD, kicked off his presidential year by placing appropriateness and quality of care under the microscope. His turn organizing the...

SVS pilots SET app for peripheral artery disease patients

Doctor-prescribed and -supervised exercise therapy is going digital. The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) will begin piloting a ground-breaking app for Supervised Exercise Therapy...