Tag: RVUs
Track your wRVUs, because no one else does it better
If you were in the audience at the 2024 Southern Association for Vascular Surgery (SAVS) annual meeting, you might have been taken aback by...
Coding: Increasing complexity and lost RVUs—a drop in the ocean?
A vascular surgery team at Audie L. Murphy VA Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, uncovers “staggeringly low” numbers of correctly coded billing for...
Vascular Specialist–January 2024
In this issue:
Coding: Increasing complexity and lost RVUs—a drop in the ocean?
The utility of renal stenting in hemodialysis patients: one in five...
Why should SVS members respond when they receive an invitation to...
The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) is an active participant in the American Medical Association (AMA)/ Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC)...
Trainees step up to learn coding, reimbursement
The Society for Vascular Surgery’s (SVS) efforts in coding and reimbursement work have taken another step forward, with four new doctors now in training...
CMS confirms Physician Fee Schedule cuts; SVS members asked to contact...
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) has delivered a blow to vascular surgery in the form of a 7% cut in total...
Former SVS president named to AMA RUC
The American Medical Association's Board of Trustees has named SVS' longtime coding expert and member Robert M. Zwolak, MD, as the AMA alternative representative...
Coding issues: We got you covered
The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Coding Committee is best known for its work developing CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes, recommending physician work relative...