‘SVS Presents’ provides enhanced learning opportunities


The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) will debut “SVS Presents” April 12, a monthly webinar series that provides an evening of educational programming for members. 

“Presents” is in response to a key finding from the 2021 Educational Needs Assessment and the 2022 SVS Member Survey, which indicated online education opportunities as a top member priority. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the SVS produced more than 40 webinars in 2020 alone. Through the educational needs assessment, members stated their interest for the SVS to continue to offer online education, but to condense the offerings to once a month. 

“‘SVS Presents’ aims to consolidate the offerings to an identifiable time, hopefully decreasing ‘Zoom meeting fatigue,’” said Education Council Chair Linda Harris, MD. “We are also trying to better engage various committees, councils and membership sections to decrease the work and increase the audience for all presentations.” 

The first presentation, on April 12, from 7–8 p.m. (CDT), will focus on the trial results released in late 2022 on the BEST-CLI trial. The second, May 3, will introduce the 2023–24 candidates for Society president and treasurer to SVS members prior to the start of voting. Future topics include advocacy, leadership development, quality practice and guidelines. 

“SVS Presents” will take place either the first or second Wednesday evening of every month, excluding January and June due to holidays and preparation for the Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM). Some months will have several hours of programming while others will offer just one hour. This year will be a pilot year to measure interest and increase engagement from all SVS member segments. Planners hope to expand programming and encourage committees to utilize this specific day each month for educational content. 

In the effort to standardize SVS educational programming, leaders hope to increase opportunities to participate in the activities. Webinars will be the focus at first, with hopes to offer other educational opportunities, such as releasing video content or micro-learning opportunities, or even hosting the Society’s popular TweetChats. 


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