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Are we overtreating aortic aneurysms in the elderly?

A large meta-analysis of elective endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) outcomes by age has shown that three-to-five-year survival is very low in octogenarians, prompting researchers...

From the Editor

Who’s covering second? Rogue hospital human resource departments

While nobody died, the procedure could have gone smoother. The patient, a corpulent man in his late 40s had been on dialysis for half...

Beyond private equity: A new sheriff in town

Bhagwan Satiani, MD, explores the entrance of insurance companies into the physician practice acquisition market. The well-written recent editorial from Mal Sheahan, Vascular Specialist medical...

SVS news

SVS announces merger creating Section on Ambulatory Vascular Care

The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) announced the merger of its Section on Outpatient and Office Vascular Care (SOOVC) and the Community Practice Section...

SVS task force assesses progress made, remaining gaps in optimal board...

SVS Executive Director Kenneth M. Slaw, PhD, examines the key forces and factors shaping vascular surgery and how they may interact to create different...


Since there are more than 40 million Spanish speakers in the United States, training more bilingual physicians could potentially improve equitable care in Latino communities, according to an article published on July 18, 2023, by the Association of American...

VAM news

While the 2024 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) only wrapped up in June and attendees are still in awe of its education offerings, it is time to start planning for the VAM 2025 program. VAM 2025 will take place in...

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